History of Our Association
GrandMaster Ho Kung Wah Dit Ngau Hakka Tong Long |
1932-1997 |
Dit Ngau Hakka Tong Long Pai was founded by Choy Dit Ngau during the late Ching Dynasty in Heyuen, Guandong county. Dit
Ngau Hakka Tong Long has been promoted within the Hakka minority in mainland China for the last 150 years.
The late Grandmaster Ho Kung Wah was a Hakka native he was responsible for introducing the art of Dit Ngau Hakka
Tong Long to Hong Kong in the 1940's, Panama in 1950's and the United Kingdom in the late 1960's.
Grandmaster Ho Kung Wah taught Dit Ngau Hakka Tong Long in the UK since the 1960's until 1997. During his time Grandmaster
Ho Kung Wah taugh many Chinese, Hakka, and a few none-Chinese. During 1985 to 1987 Grandmaster Ho Kung Wah held an open class
taking in a few Chinese and none-Chinese students during this time Mr Sean Whitaker showed a good accomplishment.
Grandmaster Ho Kung Wah retired from teaching after 1987. In 1991 Mr Eduardo Barrios met Grandmaster Ho Kung Wah during
a Chinese New Year, Master Ho invited Mr Barrios to his House and Mr Barrios became his disciple by ceremony.
Mr Barrios followed his Master from 1991 until 1997 when his master passed away. Mr Barrios was allowed to teach Dit
Ngau Tong Long in 1994. Mr Barrios has taught traditional Dit Ngau to many students in the Uk mostly Chinese, but he has also
taugh a hand full of personal students, which today will form the fundation for tomorrow.
Only the following students under Mr Barrios are acredited with having achieved or obtained some standing in Dit Ngau
Hakka Tong Long Pai. List is as follows:
Note: As the British Representative of Dit Ngau Hakka Tong Long Pai under the authorisation of the
Ho family Mr Barrios issued Mr Sean Whitaker with his full Instructor's teaching Certificate in 2003.
Sean Whitaker training since 1987-date
Eduardo Junior Barrios Marin training since 1994-date
Assistant Instructors
John Glasgow training since 2002-date
Ruben Soria Cabrelles Spain training since 1998-date
Giles Milner since 2001-date
Chee Wah Yeung 2001-date
Dit Ngau Hakka Tong Long is beginning to spread and opening the doors to the general public, hence, the reasoning for establishing
the Iron-Ox Praying Mantis International Martial Arts Association and this portal. We now have established branches in Chile
where the main head office will be relocating to from 2006/7, UK and Spain.
Iron-Ox Praying Mantis International Martial Arts Association membership is open to all individuals and organisations
wishing to practise traditional Chinese Martial Arts styles, both internal and external and wishing to learn traditional
Chinese Health restoring exercises.
Conditions of Memberships
- All members to be insured through the Association.
- Instructors to have Professional indemnity insurance arranged through the Association.
- Must be committed to expand and inprove Traditional Chinese Martial Arts.
- Must be of sound character.
- Avide by the rules and regulations of the Association.
- Participate in all national, regional and international events.
- Work towards the promotion and development of Traditional Chinese Martial Arts and Dit Ngau Hakka Tong Long Pai.
Our Aim
- To develop & promote traditional Wushu as a cultural sport with a systematic training programme of international standard.
Our Views
- To achieve recognition and respect for our organization by promoting physical & and mental development with moral
Our Objectives
- To promote the study of and safe practice of Traditional Chinese Martial Arts and to act as the regulating body for Dit
Ngau Hakka Tong Long Pai.
- To participate in official contest for the purpose of achieving proficiency in martial arts.
- To promote culture, good will & friendship among members.
- To affiliate to, co-operate with and support national and international organisation having objectives approved by the
Executive team.
- To promote the welfare of the members and the social development of the community.
- To achieve the above by promoting and further developing the art of Dit Ngau Hakka Tong Long Pai, Qi Gong, Shuai Chiao,
San Sao, Qing Da, Medical Qi Gong and Tui Na.
- To act as an advisory body on all matters appertaining to the practice of the Chinese Martial Arts, throught co-operation
and liaison with other international governing bodies, and other relevant parties.
- To provide members with support and services that may be available through their membership.
Our Federation Officers
Our President Mr Eduardo Barrios
Eduardo Barrios is the founder and president of Iron-Ox Praying Mantis International Martial Arts Association and
the present Chief Instructor of Dit Ngau Hakka Tong Long Pai for the United Kingdom and South America. Mr Barrios trained
under the personal tutelage of Grandmaster Ho Kung Wah since 1991 to 1997.
Mr Barrios is in charge of promoting Qi Gong, Tui Na and Shuai Chiao classes for the Association.
Founder & Head of Dit Ngau International |
Eduardo Barrios Chief Instructor UK & Chile |
Honary Vice-prssident Mr Yuen Biu Ho
Mr Yuen Biu Ho is the senior class mate of Mr E Barrios. Mr Ho's skills and ability in Dit Ngau Hakka Tong Long are in
par with the late Master Ho Kung Wah. Mr. Ho is the President of the Dit Ngau Hakka Tong Long Pai in the UK and responsible
for all regulatory and technical advise to the Heads of Associations.
Technical Committee Members
Mr Eduardo Junior Barrios Marin is the head technical advisor for Qing Da, Southern Long and Short weapons. Eduardo is
a BCCMA Regional and National Champion, having achieved three golds and two silvers in the Traditional Chinese Martial Arts
National Championships held in Mylton Keynes on the 25 September 2005, and three Bronze in the
Northern Regional Championships hosted by the BCCMA in November 2005.
Eduardo Junior Barrios |
Dit Ngau Instructor and Qing Da Executive Officer UK & Chile |
